lighter fluid.

03/13/25 - 11:46am
finally formatted home page even though it looks like SHIT. i think it needs more graphics or a div or something BUT IDK IDK IDK. maybe ill add some pictures in there to make it silly haha goofy funny IM GONNA KILL MYSELF HOLY SHIT!!!!!! also added a shrines link thats broken for now.

03/12/25 - 3:31pm
created and formatted blog page. thats really it.

03/07/25 - 3:28pm
added footer. discarded sound idea. moved contact to footer. trying to format home page. ts pmo sb fr ong icl. adding more graphics.

03/07/25 - 12:01am
formatted and finished menu. made website in 2 days. pretty sigma. gonna add content soon trust i just need to figure out the formatting . . .

Sailor Mars!
aromatic // rain soaked pavement

put my button your site!

<a href=""><img src="lighterbutton.png" title="lighter fluid."></a>

hello!! welcome to my little corner of the internet!

as you can see this place is pretty empty and the formatting is pretty shit but this is for me not you so fuck off. here i post about my day over on my blog (really its more a diary but i dont care!!!!!!!) and scream about my faves on my shrines page. i plan on adding MANY more things but when that will be? not even God himself knows. if you want to know more about me or the things i like head over to my about page. pretty self explanatory.

hope you enjoy your stay here!!!!