lighter fluid.
03/13/25 || 11:06 am
my last entry was shorter than i wanted it to be, because i had to close out of my chromebook early and closed at work so i completely forgot about it. i finished my entry just now but like it feels weird considering i was talking as if today was yesterday... huh... anyways my cds are coming today so yayayay! i took some dayquil pills this morning and i feel so dizzy. i took a small nap in the nurses office but i feel like im gonna DIE. im so tired and everything is spinning. i want to go home but my mama would be mad but i need to write my DBQ essay in history. im so miserable. i hope my cds are here when i get home. im gonna put on pierce the veil and fall asleep. i was gonna do my laundry but im so tired. maybe ill pop it in and tell mom to switch it for me while i sleep so i can fold them when i wake up. i hate folding my clothes because its so tedious and I HATE IT I HATE IT I HATE IT. those crackers that the nurse gave me tasted funny but theyre kinda good. we use the same brand at work for our soups. i love crackers. im so bird. oh my God i might pass out im so dizzy its miserable. i missed like half my flex because i was sleeping in the nurses office but i dont care. the sub is a really sweet old dude and felt bad that im so dizzy. i thought i was gonna fall when i was walking up the stairs. i wanna make a game, idk if i want it to be html or roblox or smth else. but its a typing game where you have to type smth as fast as possible but if you fuck up then lose. like fuck up AT ALL. i would fail miserably but it seems fun. probably really good to learn typing too. also yesterday during my shift a guy while ordering said "i was here a month ago and got the same exact thing..." and i thought 'oh brother whatever happened a month ago is not my problem.' bc ppl complain like this all the time like dawg im not on line im sorry they put olives when you asked for no olives BUT I DIDNT DO THAT. anyways he DIDNT complain and said "i forgot my wallet and the person at the window let me have it anyways. i want to pay for that sandwhich today." which is really sweet and he did pay for it. when i cashed him out he said "i have smth for you!" and handed me a little rubber jesus and he said "everyone needs a little jesus in their lives :)" and it was the sweetest most adorable thing ever i love good people it made me want to cry. nothing else to say so far. ill probably update this before i let out for school. i have english then lunch then history. oh shit my sub made a girl cry what the fuck happened. oh well idk her im so sorry ma'am that sucks.
03/12/25 || 3:42 pm
ive finally repicked this website back up! its only been about a week since i made it but i just got weirdly bored with it. some of the logistics are making me realise how shitty i made my code and how im REALLY gonna have to reap what i sow eventually. the update section is gonna piss me off bad i just know it. i have to MANUALLY UPDATE IT ON EVERY PAGE ANY TIME I UPDATE THIS WEBSITE. miserable. i know theres probably a way that is INFINITELY EASIER to do this but i just hapazardly memorized html so i am not the person to figure that out. i dont want to imagine how long this code will be considering how i plan to keep a DIARY here. blog diary same thing. anyways some personal things that have happened in my life recently. i had quite a few off days this pay period so my paycheck was shit. only 205 dollars. i did buy 4 CDs with that though. only about 48 dollars all together. i got pierce the veil - collide with the sky. sublime - sublime. panic at the dicso - death of a bachelor. system of a down - mesmorizer. they said they should be here friday! also i close today. fucking awful. but i need the hours to get the money. i was SUPPOSED to have 30 hours this week but because i got really fucking sick i lost 2 days so now i only have like 20-ish hours?? im so pissed. hopefully im gonna feel better by next week so i can get as many as im given. im also gonna go full time during my spring break (only a week sadly) so ill get a LOT then. my coworker has like 1.4k bc he doesnt buy a lot of things. lucky ass knows how to save money smh. like i said i got really fucking sick over the weekend. nose running so bad that i rubbed it raw yet it was still clogged so bad i had to breathe out my mouth. coughing like crazy and feeling like i might vomit. probably just a cold considering that i had no high temps but still awful. i feel better today. just a cough and a stuffy nose. ugh.